Buy or Build a house with us Will you be utilising cash or bank finance?CashBank Finance ITC Clear* YesNoNot sure Full name Email address* Do you have any specific needs for the property? What is your Budget—Please choose an option—400k-500k501k-600k601k-700k Mobile Number Desired No. of Bedrooms—Please choose an option—321 Desired No. of Garages—Please choose an option—21I don't want a garage *Please only fill in the below fields if you will be using Bank Finance. What is your Gross Income per month—Please choose an option—15k-25k26k-40k41k-60k100k + What is your Net Income per month—Please choose an option—15k-25k26k-40k41k-60k100k + Total Monthly Expenses incl. including accounts, loans & cars finance repayments—Please choose an option—15k-25k26k-40k41k-60k100k + Are you a first time buyer?—Please choose an option—YesNo If not, please specify details